Leave behind traditional leadership culture
and take control of your leadership journey TODAY.

In this program, through personal inquiry, candid discussions, group exercises, and coaching, you will design a leadership practice that actively centers your voice, enhances your unique approach, and ultimately surfaces an authentic leadership style connected to your identity and values.

This workshop is for leaders who are:

  • Mid to senior level with approx. 7-15 years professional experience
  • Individual contributors or team leaders
  • Committed to activating and pursuing a more values-aligned leadership practice
  • Seeking to unpack the ways dominant culture has influenced how you see leadership

This workshop includes:

  • Live sessions
  • 1 on 1 coaching
  • Group coaching
  • A leadership speaker series with Q&A
  • And more!

Ready to find the true leader in YOU?

Get the complimentary resource from our leadership course below. You will also be added to our newsletter where you can expect to receive regular, short and sweet, useful nuggets, notes, and resources.