What do you dream for your leadership?

Where are you leading? Who are you leading? How are you doing it?

You could be leading thousands in a dance at a retreat or leading yourself to speak truth to power. Leadership doesn’t look one way and doesn’t always involve a crowd, but in order to lead your way, you do have to have a vision.

One way to liberate your authentic leadership is to liberate your dreams.

The Dreams Liberation Fund (DLF) was established by Liberated Development in 2021 with that sole purpose in mind: to be a pathway for emerging leaders of color to liberate their dreams.

We believe that leaders who are more connected to what it means to activate their dreams will accelerate progress toward creating more conscious and intentional workplace cultures that make space for the unique identities and contributions of others to emerge and thrive.

The DLF offers a path for people of color to (re)connect to your dreams and to experience what it means to have someone invest in that dream in a way that pushes you to action.

A dream becomes reality when the dreamer is liberated enough to pursue it.

As a certified Dream Management Program™ organization, we know that dreams liberate. And while, in theory, anyone can dream, our ability to pursue (and sometimes to even access) our dreams is in direct relationship to how we've been socialized within our intersectional identities.

As Liberated Development continues to offer multiple pathways for leaders to experience their own version of liberation, we offer this annual opportunity to an emerging leader of color. To explore what it truly means to take action toward the leadership dream you have, and to receive financial and community support as you do!

We are invested in more liberated futures for leaders of color.

Who is this for?

You should apply if:

  • You are a US Citizen
  • You identify as a person of color
  • You consider yourself an emerging leader (this is not dictated by age)
  • You are committed to building awareness and action around liberating your leadership dream
  • You’ve identified a specific opportunity connected to your liberating your leadership dream

What will you receive?

Awardee will receive:

  • Funding (up to $750) toward an opportunity connected to liberating your leadership dream
  • NOTE: For tax purposes, the funds will go to the related organization, business, etc., on your behalf, not to you directly
  • Three 1:1 Dream Manager™ Coaching sessions over the course of a year
  • A Dream Action Plan dedicated to support your focus and commitment in liberating your leadership dream

How Do you Apply?

  1. Think about what liberation (connected to your leadership) would look like for you. Maybe it’s to be more free within your workplace, maybe it’s to write a book -- don't apply limits

  2. Identify one thing you can do to take meaningful action toward whatever came up in number 1 above. (Think big and deep. Is there a class you can take, a certification you can pursue, a coach you can sign up with, etc.)

  3. Research the thing from number 2 above. What is the associated cost? How long will it take to complete? How exactly will it connect you to your leadership dream?

  4. Complete the application by the deadline, capturing what came up in numbers 1-3 above.

The 2023 application process is currently CLOSED. We will announce the 2024 application process in the Fall of 2024!