Liberated Development turns one year old!

We're one!

A year ago this week, after years of serving clients as a facilitator, strategic coach and thought partner, I decided to conquer the “building a business” checklist that had been intimidating me for years, and make Liberated Development (LD) an official company. After all, how could I continue to create spaces where clients were shedding traditional ways of thinking and being to chart their own, if I wasn’t doing the same. 

Twelve months later, Liberated Development is officially one year old!

From fostering curiosity about views on leadership and values to truly creating space to share their own beliefs and voice, LD engagements create positive, generative spaces so that clients have the freedom to develop from their center -- the core values that are deeply true for them.

This past year has been a beautiful kind of challenge in the growth of Liberated Development. And one that has reinforced the need for this work. I am deeply grateful and honored to be a part of the journey of so many who are intentionally creating space to focus on liberation as a developmental tool.

The need to create and become something new has never been more clear than it is, right now, in this moment of our world.

A few ways we’ve done that this past year:

  1. Served as strategic advisor to senior and executive staff seeking to create spaces of equity within national organizations.
  2. Coached early and mid-career professionals as they identified their own truths and voices in navigating significant career shifts.
  3. Created and facilitated multi-day workshops, retreats, and ongoing learning series for school districts and multiple organizations across the country, focused on talent development goals.
  4. Reviewed and edited academic and district policies geared towards promoting and sustaining equity and inclusion across teams and organizations.
  5. Was commissioned as a key advisor and content-knowledge expert for state-wide and national leadership and race equity cohorts.
  6. Designed a national annual leadership program for mid-career Black executives seeking to positively and authentically impact business and communities.
  7. Hosted an exploratory community-care session specifically aimed to prioritize, value, and serve the complex and unique needs of black women pursing liberation in a world that consistently overlooks and undervalues us.

As we move forward into year two, you will see a change to our website, model, and offerings – including the newsletter that introduced this blog. I look forward to sharing stories, tips, and resources that will serve you on your journey toward a more liberated version of yourself and your team. In each blog post, you can expect an update on LD’s work and offerings.

To receive the full newsletter (we promise not to send you anything else!), simply fill in the newsletter form below and include your name and email.

Thank you for being a part of the journey and the work!

Here’s to liberated development – both the company and way of being!