Who is your A-Team?

They are different than your cheerleaders.

Leaders, if you had to name the people on your A-team, could you do it? (Hint: this isn’t the same as your cheer squad.)

Last week, I attended Enterprising Women of Color DMV Business Center's State of the Ecosystem Brunch and Fireside Chat Panel, focused on the journey and leadership of women of color entrepreneurs and they talked about the pivotal leadership strategy of building an “A-Team.”🎯 This isn't merely a group of supporters; it's a collective of individuals whose knowledge, accountability, and challenges propel you to heights unattainable alone.

Yes we need the cheerleaders. We also need the challengers. Those who💙supportively💙ask us questions like:
⭐“What underlying assumptions are limiting your perspective or actions?"
⭐"In what ways might your approach be contributing to the very challenges you're trying to overcome?"

Cheerleaders celebrate where we are (which we need). The A-Team pushes us somewhere higher (which we also need).

🎯Identify your A-Team and understand how they differ from your cheer squad. Both are crucial! (And BIG LOVE to all MY cheerleaders and A-Team folks out there. I appreciate you!!)

#leadershipdevelopment #strategicleadership #womeninbusiness